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Nedelja. IV 2011.

Logo Leteći bumbar #369 

U ovom broju donosimo:

2. Zašto je motor bolji od žene?

            Nekoliko razloga

2. Fejs-bruk!               Engleski jezik

            Smejurije sa Fejsbuka

5. Ove nedelje u bioskopu "Ode on"

            Promocija albuma: Lady Baba – Poker faca

6. Pijani prijatelj

            Kratka pričica sa hr.rec.humor

6. Locirajte se!           Engleski jezik

            Vi mora da ste iz… ako je većina ovih tvrdnji tačna (Mejn, Merilend; 3001-3062)

Sačuvajte ovaj broj! Možete od njega da napravite:

- molersku kapu

- brodić

- avion koji leti…

Urednicima ostalih časopisa:

Budite fer i ostavite link za ovaj časopis kad već uzimate materijal odavde!

Nole tornado


■ Motori traže samo da im zameniš ulje svakih 2.000 kilometara.
■ Motori traju duže.
■ Motori ne mogu zatrudneti.
■ Motori nikad nisu opterećeni.
■ Možeš voziti svoj motor u bilo koje doba meseca.
■ Motori nemaju roditelje.
■ Motori se ne žale, osim ako nešto zaista nije u redu.
■ Slobodno možeš nogom udariti svoj motor da se probudi.
■ Možeš deliti svoj motor sa prijateljima.
■ Ako tvoj motor pravi previše buke, uvek možeš kupiti prigušivač.
Jelkica sa mirisom slanine

■ Ako se tvoj motor izliže, sve što moraš uraditi je da kupiš nove gume i lanac.
■ Motor ne brine o tome koliko si motora vozio pre njega.
■ Kada voziš, i ti i tvoj motor stižete u isto vreme.
■ Motor se nikada neće buniti ako gledaš druge motore ili ako kupuješ časopise o motorima.
■ Ako se tvoj motor probuši, uvek ga možeš pokrpiti.
■ Ako je tvoj motor suvise labav, možeš ga stegnuti.
■ Možeš piti pivo dok voziš svoj motor.
■ Tvoji roditelji se neće ljutiti ako voziš crni motor.
■ Ne moraš biti ljubomoran na servisera koja popravlja tvoj motor.
■ Ne moraš imati posla sa sveštenikom i sa testovima krvi da bi registrovao svoj motor.
■ Ne moraš ubeđivati svoj motor da si ti motorista i da su svi motori jednaki.
■ Ako opsuješ nešto svom motoru, ne moraš se izviniti pre nego što ga kreneš ponovno voziti.
■ Motor se nikada neće buniti ako si ti loš vozač.
■ Motor ti nikada neće zameriti ako zakasniš.
■ Ako tvoj motor ne izgleda dobro, uvek ga možeš obojiti ili kupiti novi.


Slovo Pošto se svakog dana gomilaju raznorazne odvale sa društvene mreže "Facebook", na sajtu su počele da se pojavljuju slike sa istim. Predstavljamo vam najbolje odvale, a  njih ima jako puno pa je lakše da ih postavimo u tekstualnom obliku. Imena i slike profila su tamo zamaskirane, pa ćemo učesnike u komentarima predstavljati brojevima: [1], [2], [3] itd. Napomene će biti crvenom bojom.


Status: As we celebrate Awareness Month, please copy this status if you know anyone, or know anyone who knows anyone.

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: Thirty years ago today, John Lennon was killed. This makes me sad.

(2): 2 days ago today I ran out of Thanksgiving turkey. This makes me sad.

Opaki deka

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: I surrender to every word you whisper. ♥

(2): *whispers* go make me a sandwich

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: I watched him die in front of me. I watched it happen, I felt his pulse, he was gone... And then, a couple minutes later... He got up.

(2): You talking about your penis again?

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: On my way home I saw an elderly women struggling to get groceries out of her car. So helped her out. I feel like a good person now.
(2): That's weird. I robbed some old lady on my way home while some kid was helping with her groceries... Hmm...

(3): That's weird. I hit some robber who was robbing some old lady on my way home after I saw some kid helping her with her groceries... Hmm...

(4): Hey, my mom went grocery shopping. Has anybody seen her?

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: So sad my phone is broken. I can only txt and call... So sorry I can't go on Facebook from my phone...

(2): So, in other words, your phone has just become a phone

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: (1) is in relationship and it's complicated

(2): With who? Your left hand?

(1): No. lol I'm right handed.

(3): That's why it's complicated.

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: Finally some good news

(2): She's not pregnant?

(3): Charges were dropped?

(4): She's over 18?

(5): They making condoms in extra small?

(6): Your palms aren't hairy?

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else.

(2): How sad

(3): Try licking your elbow. It's harder.

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

(1): Imam pitanje vezano za BMW 330d 2001 god. što prodajete... Oprostite, koja je zadnja cijena vozila? Da li bi uzeli u račun nekih dijelova za viljuškare, 60m˛ talijanski pločica crvene boje, i nešto pogrebne opreme – tačnije, 4 sanduka hrastova i 35 vijenaca i suza.

(2): Druže, ajd pogledaj imaš li još šta u garaži da ti ne treba, pa mi javi 

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: I have exactly 1 Canadian Facebook friend.

(2): That friend is worth 1.0168 American friends today

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: If a cop stops me and says "papers" and I say "scissors", do I win?

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: (1) is single.

(2): Lock up your uglier daughters and your smaller livestock!

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]
Sijamska mačka

- Ju, ju! Jednom ti uzmem dečka, ti praviš dramu. Prvi put se ne računa. Tad nisam ni znala da ti smeta.

- Baš zato... Kad sam ti prvi put rekla, nisi smela to da ponoviš... Uvek si mislila da si bolja riba od mene, a ti si samo jadnica koja navata momke na svoje jeftine fore... Sutra želim da si mi vratila tigrastu majcu i rajf... Pošalji po Vučiću!

- Nije problem. Ko da mi treba. Spakuj: svileni grudnjak, test za trudnoću (ako ga nisi iskoristila), mrežaste čarape i crvene moje znaš već šta.

- Svileni grudnjak je praktično moj... Ja sam ti ga kupila u znak prijateljstva i sada ga nećeš dobiti nazad jer si jedna nula od prijateljice. A za ostalo... Spakovaću ti sve osim testa... Jer ga nema više! Kupiću ti drugi...

- Nemoj mi kupovati onaj jeftini što ga stalno kupuješ! Ti si tako zla... Vrati mi grudnjak!

- Jeftino za jeftinu devojku. Zaboravi na grudnjak. Sada kad je moj. Možda i ja postanem laka i smuvam nekog tvog!

- Nemoj samo Acu, Miloša, Marka, Dragana, Mišela, Aljošu i Novu... Sve ostale možeš slobodno, a ako ove budeš dirala nisi svesna šta će ti se dogoditi u separeu.

- Kakvog sada Aljošu? Iz osnovne??? Je l' moguće da si i sa njim bila, a da mi nisi rekla... To je garant jer si nas jednom videla u gradu!

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]


Sanjoy:            Jabi jodi ure dure nil ojanate

                        mone kore amay mone rekhe

                        kokhono furabe na sai goti hin pothe

                        ektu kede sudhu picu fire...


                        hay bhalobese rekhe ja

                        ai moner gohin basina

                        ja ace tor deya

Ryan: English, please.

Sanjoy: Ryan, for the last freakin' time, don't comment on my status if you dont understand. I swear to god, stay the f*** out, dude. Seriously.

Ryan: I have hard time believing that's direct translation.

(pesma i dijalog su na lošoj transliteraciji sa bengalskog jezika, u statusu se nalazi pesma "Jabi jodi":

Lady baba - Poker faca

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: Hi, mom. I hacked your Facebook.

(1): lol You didn't believe I could

(1): What language is this? Drunk pirate? Wow... I'm realy impressed... Now put me back to normal before I post naked baby pictures of you!

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

(kolekcija komentara vezanih za pesmu Rebeke Blek "Friday")

(1): "What seat can I take?" (tekst iz pesme)

(2): The one that her ugly ass isn't sitting in.


(1): That "Friday" song by Rebecca Black is amasing. LOL, joke. You sound like a cat being strangled.


(1): Songs like "Friday" makes me grateful I'm deaf already.


(1): I could eat alphabet soup and sh*t better lyrics

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: Fresh batteries in the TI-83, yeah!

(2): You named your vibrator after a calculator. That's so sweet. LOL

            [ f ]      [ f ]      [ f ]

Status: Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute. But set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


            Imam prijatelja, budaletina na kvadrat. Kako se zna oblokat, stoka najveća, a da bude stvar najgora kad se obnevidi od pića ne zna šta radi. Izgubi se u prostoru i vremenu.

            Jedne večeri zalomili mi na nekom tulumu. Šumetina Bogu iza nogu. Prijatelj gotov, sjedi pred kućom i padne mu na pamet genijalna ideja da ode kući. Povezla ga neka dva lika, kad nakon pet kilometara on im povrati po sjedalima i oni njega lijepo izbace iz auta.

            Noć prohladna, on ubrzo počeo dolaziti sebi. Zazvoni mi mobitel. Zove me da dođem po njega. Gdje si? Ne zna. Koliko si daleko? Ne zna. Kažem mu ja:

- Ajd' lijepo pješači, pa kad dođeš do prve table, kuće ili nečeg, ti lijepo ponovno nazovi.

            Nakon pet minuta zazvoni telefon:

- Evo… Dopješačio sam do neke table.

- I šta piše na njoj???

- Četrdeset…
Autor: Zig


¤        Vi mora da ste iz Mejna ako… (SAD, poglavlje LVII)

3001. You've had arguments over the comparative quality of Fried Dough.
3002. You don't understand why there aren't fried clam shacks elsewhere in the county.
3003. You know what an Irving is and the location of 15 of them.
3004. You knew all the flavors at Perry's Nut House.
3005. Your car is covered in yellow-green dust in May.
3006. You can drive the Augusta traffic circle without slowing down.
3007. You've hung out at a gravel pit.
3008. You've almost fallen asleep driving between Houlton and Presque Isle.
3009. You've made a meal out of a Jordan's red dye hot-dog, a bag of Humpty Dumpty potato chips and a can of soda.
3010. In high school, you (or a friend) packed Deering Ice Cream cones.
3011. At least once in your life you've said, "It smells like the mill in here".
3012. There's a fruit and vegetable stand within 10 minutes of your house.
3013. You crave Italian sandwiches at least weekly.
3014. Your house converts to a B&B every July and August for people from away that you happen to know.
3015. All year long you're tracking sand in the house-from the beach in the summer and the roads and sidewalks in the winter.
3016. You have to have the sand cleaned out of your brake system every spring.

Svetlosni mačevi u "Hariju Poteru"
3017. You do the majority of your shopping out of "Uncle Henry's".
3018. You've ditched the car on the side of the road somewhere because you thought you saw some good 
3019. You know a lobster pot is a trap, not a kettle.
3020. You know not to plant tender crops until the last full moon in May.
3021. You go to the dump and bring back more than you brought.
3022. You've watched "Murder she wrote" and snickered at the stupid fake accents.
3023. You take the New Hampshire toll personally.

3024. You always wave when you see a Maine license plate in another state.
3025. When you're supposed to dress up, you wear flannel with a tie.
3026. There's too much "stuff" in your 2 "cah" garage to get either of your cars into it.
3027. "L.L. Bean's" not just a store, it's a way of life.
3028. "The City" means exclusively Portland.
3029. "Salt damage" is a viable insurance claim.
3030. All of the traffic lights blink yellow at 10 o'clock at night.
3031. It's not a storm - it's a Nor'eastah.
3032. "Open 24/7" might as well be Greek.
3033. More stores have "Bienvenue" flags than "Welcome" flags.
3034. You eat ice cream with flavors like "Moose Tracks" and "Maine Black Bear".
3035. You know that a chocolate doughnut is not a white doughnut with chocolate frosting.
3036. You wouldn't eat beans in tomato sauce or Manhattan clam chowder if you were starving!
3037. As a child, you played outside in a snow storm without hat, mittens, scarf and with your jacket open because it was just a little cool.
3038. The area around your back door is referred to as "the dooryard".
3039. You eat potato chips with flavors such as "clam dip", "ketchup" and "dill pickle".

3040. You call the basement "downcellah".
3041. There is only one shopping plaza in town.

3042. Your pickup has more mud on it then the ground around it for a 15 foot radius.
3043. More than ˝ the meat in your freezer is moose.
3044. You enjoy a hot chocolate more than a margarita.

3045. Your "luxury vehicle" is a twelve-year-old rustbucket on wheels.
3046. Your dog eats better than you do, and more often too.
3047. You never say what you paid for an item but how much you "give" for it.

¤        Vi mora da ste iz Merilenda ako… (SAD, poglavlje LVIII)
You know more than 10 people who own boats and they all park them at the same marina in Annapolis
You can pronounce and spell "Pocomoke", "Mattaponi", "Accokeek", and "Havre de Grace"
Supa dana

3050. French fries just don't taste right without Old Bay
There are more than two crab places in your town
Even your high school cafeteria made good crabcakes
You got your first lacrosse stick before you were six years old
You call all turtles "terrapins"
You refer to your state as "Merlind"
Your mother shops at Hecht's
You can tell the difference between the smells of septic and marsh
You not only know how to eat hard crabs but you also know how to catch them, cook them and tell the males from the females.
You don't think that Assawoman Bay is a strange name for a body of water.
You know perfectly well why Rehoboth is called "Little San Francisco"
"M R Ducks" makes perfect sense.
So does "C M Wangs".



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